Posts by Tina Muir

25 Helpful Running Articles You Need To Read

Many of you are brand new friends. We have not had the years to get to know one another…or you have not learned my rambl-y style of writing yet, I thought I would bring a summary post together for running articles you may have missed if you are a new reader. If you are new…

The Ultimate List of Running Rehab Specialists, Experts, Therapists

I often get asked about what running experts I can recommend for injury, running gait assessment, and treatment. You know I have been to UVA Speed Clinic three times, and I made it pretty clear which experts I trust through my mentions of Team Ice Cream, but I know I have friends all over the…

Why Your Best Is Never Good Enough

Now I have had many great guests on the podcast before but the podcast episode with Dr Bhrett McCabe was one of the most eye-opening podcasts I have ever recorded. He said so many things that were so applicable to us all, to every single one of us, regardless of what stage of life we…

Athletic Amenorrhea: How Does Running Affect Your Period?

UPDATE: Since writing this article, I have taken EVERYTHING I learned in my journey to get my period back, and wrote a book on the topic, so you have everything I know about amenorrhea in one place. This book is written for runners who have lost their period, but regardless of what sport you do,…

Sharing My Secrets With Running For Real

Ahh friends, I have so much to update you on, but instead of typing a big long ramble, I thought it would be better to send you a quick little video to let you know just how thankful I am that you are spending a few moments of time with me. I am diving in…

Time to Take a Scary Leap: Interested in Helping?

I have been teasing you with exciting updates for weeks. My website has had a “coming soon” banner across it for a little longer than I hoped (my fault for trying to change things I had no business trying to change!) So just what the heck is going on? Well, today, I can finally let…

Why Hills are the Best Workout to Return to Running

hills, strong, workouts
It doesn’t matter if you are returning to running after an injury or getting back into shape after time off, no matter what way you look at it, running is so hard to stay positive when you feel unfit. We know in theory that everyone goes through this, but it doesn’t help in that moment…


Ahhhh so excited to share this news with you! But first, let me apologize. I did not post on Monday, even though I did actually have a draft written out from the weekend, but if you saw my Facebook or Instagram, you probably saw that I was reaaaaaly sick last weekend, and it wiped me…