Month: November 2014

This hip opening yoga sequence for runners has really helped me feel better on runs! I do it 4-5 times a week!

Hip Opening Yoga Stretches for Runners

cross training, yoga
There are those times you have to go back to square one, when it comes to injuries, because the intensity of marathon training really doesn’t allow injuries any time to properly heal, and the race itself can make things even worse. Some of my recovery products have been graciously provided to me by my sponsors,…

Sizzlefish Haddock with Honey Mustard Sauce

dinner, fish
In an effort to fine tune my fueling in the past few months, I have been trying to make sure we have fish at least once per week. At first this was very difficult as I seemed to only remember this at random points during the week; a wednesday afternoon, while sleeping on a friday,…
This Berry and Kale Quinoa Salad from elite runner Tina Muir can be enjoyed hot or cold, and is a wonderful way to bring winter and summer together for a nutritious meal year round. This is a great runner meal! Oh yum! @tinamuir88

Berry Quinoa Kale Salad

Good Morning! It is a marvelous monday indeed! Did you see my Exciting Announcement? Today I start my position as Community Manager for Runners Connect! Is it pathetic that I am actually excited about working. I have felt like a lazy slob the last few months, and it feels good to be able to put…