Ready to read my entire recap?
Well, you are gonna have to wait a few days 😉
As much as I would have loved to be that prepared, I had a lot of cherished moments after the race with friends, so I barely manageed to get an Instagram post up, let alone write a recap.
Yet, here I sit at 1am (PST), wide awake (why does that always happen after a race?!), so you can have a little update until I travel back home tomorrow, and have some time to write out my thoughts.
I haven’t really had time to entirely process how I feel about the marathon, but as many of you have reminded me, a PR is still a PR, and I still knocked almost a minute off my original time….I think maybe I was just hoping to keep my 4 minute PR streak going, and technically a PR was my C goal.
I can now tell you that the A goal was a sub 2:34, and the B goal was a sub 2:35, but Steve and I have agreed the A goal was never really on the cards with the course, we just weren’t prepared for the rolling hills.
I will also tell you that you were there with me.
Along the way, any time I heard someone yell “go Muir!” or even just a “wooooo”, I imagined it was one of you, one of the people who has loved and supported me along this journey, and that really provided me some comfort, so to each and every one of you who has cheered me on either in your head or through your messages, thanks for helping me to believe in myself 🙂
This PR is partly yours too!
Before I dive off into a race recap, I am just going to say that it was a great experience, and I really felt like you guys were out there with me. I will show you more about what I did with my bottles, and the mental side of things later this week, as I think I had a lot of tips this time that will help you.
Just a few more stats, and then of course, I will share the post race eats with you 😉
2:36:39 for 5th place in the California International Marathon.
I was 15 seconds off 4th, by my roommate for the weekend; Sam Bluske. She BLEW by me with about 800m to go, and not only did it totally catch me off guard, but I just had no response. She ran so well (we had talked about it that morning and her A goal was 2:38!) and totally earned it!!
I did run a positive split, as my first 10k was my fastest, but my slowest mile of the day was 6:05 (averaged out to 5:59 per mile), so at least I stayed within a good range, that shows us that it wasn’t a “out too fast” issue, but just my quads were shot from the ups and downs in the first 15 miles. Actually, Steve and I think I could have maybe even gone out a little faster the first half, but at the time, we didn’t know how I was going to react, and I wasn’t willing to take that risk.
It makes me laugh to think about the amount of people who have said to me about either eating cakes or sweets after my race, makes me think that the two words that most people associate with me are sugar and running.
Not that I am gonna complain, and not that I didn’t do you proud 😉
First, I had a cranberry bliss bar from Starbucks, to keep me going while we waited to be seated at a restaurant called the Waffle Experience, where I had this

Then we went to Ricks Dessert Diner, and I chose a peanut butter chocolate cake (I also got a yellow cake to go, which I am contemplating eating now actually…..UPDATE….am eating now at 2:04am), and Steve also ordered me cake batter ice cream to go with it.
But guys, I have something to admit……I think I officially reached my sugar limit for the first time, I have to admit, the last few bites of cake were a struggle, and I had a few mouthfuls of ice cream I just couldn’t manage.
Now THAT was the shocker of the day!
So I am going to tie up this post now….or I will start going off, and I am not quite ready yet.
I will tell you more about my bottles later this week, and about the people who helped me get here, but for now, I would just like to thank my wonderful sponsors for allowing me to continue to chase my dreams as a runner,
That’s you Saucony, EnduroPacks, Inside Tracker, Sizzlefish,  Body Health, Nuttzo, Kentucky Kombucha,  UCAN, Prescript Assist and Go Raw (be sure to check out my Team Ice Cream page for more about what they are and coupon codes if you want to try any of them).
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to everyone who has taken the time to send me a message over the last 3-4 months, it truly means so much.
Now, let me go finish my cake and not move for 2 weeks!
congrats on an amazing race tina! I hear you on the sugar. you know I love my sweets but after a race, as much as I want cake in theory, sometimes my stomach and cravings aren’t up for it! peanut butter chocolate cake though sounds delish 🙂
I know it’s not exactly what you wanted Tina but it’s still an incredible job and congrats.
It wasn’t what you wanted but you did good Tina. Really good!! Now eat you cake. And get some sleep!!!
Congratulations Tina on a great race. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
SOOOOOO proud of you, Tina!!! I knew you’d nail it; maybe not EXACTLY what you had hoped for but I sense you’re still proud of yourself and life’s journey will always be a positive learning experience which is such a blessing in and of itself 🙂 Time to ENJOY a little down time with Steve. You’ve EARNED it!!!
So proud of your effort.Congrats to you and Steve on a great race.Looking forward to reading your upcoming posts, so relax and take it all in.
SO many congratulations! You have so much to be proud of, and on a tough course of rolling hill! Now enjoy your much deserved rest!
YES!!! Obviously I’m over the moon for you and was stalking social media until I finally saw your update. I wish I could give you a huge hug and just say YOU DID IT!!!!! MUAH!!! xoxoxo
I had so much fun tracking you. Your average speed just blew my mind. So excited for you and I’m glad you mentioned that the course was a bit harder than expected. I appreciate that honestly for some of us who haven’t run that course yet. Congrats on an amazing finishing time and placing in that speedy field!! Can’t wait to read more details. Enjoy those well deserved sweets!
Congratulations on your PR Tina! You are so inspiring and your running journey is amazing to follow. Thanks for the post last night and I look forward to your recap.
~ Run with joy!
Well done! A PB is a PB so congrats!!
And OMG to those cakes. Perfect way to celebrate 😀
Great job, it is always frustration when you destroy your body and then it can’t fall asleep and recover. I like how your race goals are only a minute apart–mine are ten minutes apart and the C goal is always just to finish ?
Congrats, Tina! I was tracking you (and my coach, who also ran & PRed). So happy for you. This is just a harbinger of even bigger things to come for you. Bask in your success xx
Congratulations! I love reading your posts and I just wanted to say thank you – I ran a 10k PB yesterday and I was thinking of you as I went round. I know you will have heard this before but you really are inspiring. I am a very average ‘run when the kids are in bed/when I have a spare hour at weekends’ runner and I can’t tell you how much it helps me knowing that elite such as yourself suffer from similar mental battles. I thought it came easy to you guys!
Can’t wait to read the longer recap.
Thanks again.
Congratulations on your new PR Tina! That’s an amazing marathon time and I’m glad you had a fun trip overall. Hope you get some much needed rest and recovery now!
You are truly amazing, Tina! Such a smart, talented runner. Congrats on yet another successful marathon!
All the cake!! You deserve it all! So proud of you and all of your hard work!
Wow, Congratulations! Such an amazing job! I look forward to reading more of your posts and listening to your podcasts. I’m not sure I could stop eating sweets and reach a limit though!
Congratulations on a fantastic race. You certainly earned that cake and even though it wasn’t exactly what you were hoping for, you are an absolute hero for fighting through.
YAYYY!! So awesome! I was so happy to see your post on IG. Can’t wait to read your full recap. Congratulations!
I had a big smile on my face every time my cell phone dinged and I got the text message with updates about your race!!
So, so happy for you and you have so much to be proud of!!! 5th woman and such an incredible time. You worked hard for it and this is just the beginning… I hope you enjoy every single second of your time off!!! Big hugs!!!! xoxox
Amazing race, Tina! Even if it was a bit off your goal- you are incredible! I hope you’re enjoying the well deserved rest and recovery!
Congrats on a brilliant race Tina, great result, especially so if it was a tricky course with the hills. You’re some woman! Well done. Oh and I love it…all the cake 😀 !