12 Ways to Deal With Injury Depression

For many runners all over the US (and potentially the world), the Boston marathon is the pinnacle of their racing lives. Hitting a BQ is the ultimate goal. Although I have not raced the Boston Marathon (edit: I have now ran the Boston Marathon šŸ™‚ ), when I achieved my number one running goal of…
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How to Decide What Your Race Goals Should Be

Racing Tips
If you are in taper, if your goal marathon is still a good few months away, or even if your race is a shorter race like a 5k or 10k, as we approach race day, we start to get the question. Not just from others, but from ourselves. WhatĀ are you trying to run? I couldĀ see…
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How to Run By Feel Using the Effort Scale

We have all heard it; the running is 90 percent mental quote. Only 10 percent is actually about the training. Although we know deep down that the physical side of training is in fact moreĀ important than just 10%, we all know the point that quote is trying to make: The mental aspect of running can…
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Don’t Let Social Media Be Toxic to Your Confidence

We are in a connected world. I have a few friends who do a great job at staying away from almost all of it, but the rest of us, we are constantly looking at our phones, computers, screens, and we are addicted toĀ checking social media ALL. THE. TIME. I also worked as the Community Manager…
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Training Tips
Ahhhh so excited to share this news with you! But first, let me apologize. I did not post on Monday, even though I did actually have a draft written out from the weekend, but if you saw my Facebook or Instagram, you probably saw that I was reaaaaaly sick last weekend, and it wiped me…
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