We leave tomorrow for California.
How is that even possible!?
It seemed like December was a lifetime away, yet here we are, ready to go, and after this post, I will be checking out until Monday.
I am not sure if I will update my blog for Monday. It really depends on the sleep situation that evening. I very rarely can sleep the night after a race, so if that is the case, you may be getting an update, but if I don’t feel like it, I am afraid you may have to wait
Either way, I thought I would leave you with my gift guide. The products I have used and loved this year, and would recommend for the runner in your life.
I tried to pick a variety of prices, so you can choose what you are looking for, but let me just say once again (although I hope you already know), that I would not recommend anything I did not genuinely believe in.
I did have companies reach out to me asking to promote their product, but I said no. It was too late, and as cool as their product sounded, I cannot recommend something I have not tried. Nor will I recommend something I would not purchase myself (although yes, some of these products I was sent for free).
Some of these companies, I am an affiliate for, and I used to be scared of that word when I would see it on other websites, but all it means is that if you decide to purchase the product through the link on this page, I receive a small kickback from the company.
So you can either purchase it through their main website, and have 100% of the profits go to them, or you can purchase through here, and give me a small percentage.
It is entirely up to you. If it is a small company, and you want them to have the profit, I completely understand, honestly
But, enough rambles for one day. Here is my gift guide for runners 2016.
SEE YOU ON MONDAY! My Instagram is the best way to follow my next few days and post race.
Saucony ISO Freedom
A few months ago, when Saucony first said they would sponsor Run to the Top (the running podcast I host), they mentioned that they would like me to focus on the new Freedom ISO shoes they had coming out in December.
I said I would be happy to……IF I liked them myself.
I couldn’t encourage others to purchase a pair of shoes I had never worn myself.
They were kind enough to send me two advanced pairs, although to be honest, I was a little skeptical.
They were unlike anything I had ever seen before, and usually the first model of a new shoe is a little unreliable.
But guys, they NAILED IT with these ones.
I have only been wearing them for about a month, and we had to bring them in gradually, as we didn’t want to make any major changes with CIM closing in, but I am pretty sure these are gonna become my favorite shoe.
I LOVE them.
They are sleek, stylish, and cool.
They are responsive because of the 100% Everun sole, making them really springy to run off….which has been especially nice in my taper when I have felt sluggish.
Oh, and did I mention they are beautiful?
I get that they are expensive, but they are well worth the money.
$160 (actually $144 with coupon code TINA) from Saucony.com
Good for:
Runners who like neutral, minimalist style shoes, but with good “response”, especially if you are sore or tired from training, this helps a lot!
Run Fast. Eat Slow
Okay, so I have to admit, I was a little behind the curve for this one.
I knew I would love the recipes in there, but I also know that I like to just experiment with making meals based on what we have available through our farm share and what we feel like.
But then one of the girls on Steve’s team brought her version for me to check out while she was home with family.
I had a look through the recipes, when I realized that I could have been a co-author with Shalane and Elyse. Not that I am a big shot, I just mean that the meals were VERY similar to a lot of the meals we make, and they had the same ideals with the way they look at food.
I HAD to get myself a copy, and Rodale were kind enough to send me one.
I have made about 5 recipes from it so far, and I have LOVED them all, especially the Superfood Muffins.
If you struggle with knowing what recipes to cook for good, healthy, quality meals, this is the cookbook for you.
$24.99 from Amazon
Good for:
Runners wanting to make eating good quality food a focus, but don’t know where to start.
I had this on my list last year, but I would say I am even more a believer this year.
Purchasing an ElliptiGO 8C was SO worth it.
We are so happy we bought one, and it has allowed me to get so much fitter aerobically without the impact or damage on my body.
I am very lucky that I have not had an extended amount of time off due to injury, but if I had, I would have used this thing to DEATH.
You can obviously use it outside, but as you see in the picture, I put mine on a trainer and use it inside, so if you live somewhere crazy hilly like I do, you can have fun inside too.
If you missed the podcast I did with Darren last year, you can listen in here, but I fully believe that the ElliptiGO will keep you in VERY good shape.
I realize it is expensive, and something that not everyone will have the means to buy, but if you can, and you are at the point where you are about maxed out on the amount of pounding your body can handle from the impact of running, this is what you are looking for, and you will “pay it off” in no time.
Oh, and its fun too!
Besides, it lets me catch up on Gossip Girl or watch my training partner play Just Dance to keep me entertained (above!)
$2499 on ElliptiGO.com
Good for:
Injury prone runners or runners wanting to reach the next level.
Essential Oils + Diffuser
Okay, so this is one of the things I want on my Christmas list, and I am only just starting to get into oils thanks to Heather who sent me a lovely little care package of oils, and my good friend Ashley, but this is something I want to explore more in the future.
Essential oils are so good for the body and mind, and they are good to just have in your home to promote relaxation, recovery, and health.
Ashley first brought this up to me years ago, and she is one of the mothers I admire and look up to the most in this world. Although I have not really been great with adding them to my life until Heather gave me the kick to get going on it :). I am asking for a diffuser for Christmas myself, so hopefully this is something we can all work on together.
If you care about your long-term health and want to stay away from nasty chemicals in the home, this is the next step for you (and me!)
$65-80 for diffuser, various prices for oils
Good for:
Runners who want to take the next step in putting their health first, or if you want to focus on relaxing as we move into 2017.
Full disclosure.
When this was first brought to my attention, I didn’t think I would like it. I thought it was a waste of money, and something that I just didn’t see what the big deal was (even though I saw plenty of runners RAAAVVVING about it).
But then I got one.
And I felt like a little kid opening their stocking.
I was excited to see what was inside, and try out the different products on offer, and I loved the little touches that came with it. Like the motivational sticker and the recipe that comes with it.
Since then, I have looked forward to receiving my stride box in the mail, and I am not gonna lie, I get very excited when I see it in my mailbox.
If you have a runner in your life, a subscription to Stridebox is SUCH a good gift!
$20 for one month, $45 for three months, $90 for 6 months on Stridebox.com
Good for:
Runners who love to try out new products and for loved ones who are unsure what to buy the runner in their life.
Daily Harvest Soups and Smoothies
I used to see smoothies as such a waste of breakfast.
I LOVE my breakfast foods, and smoothies were just, well, very boring to me.
Sure, you can make unlimited varieties with different fruits and even adding in hidden vegetables (try the Can’t Beet Me Now from Run Fast. Eat Slow), but I also love textures in foods, and a smoothie got rid of all of them.
But I have since discovered smoothie bowls, and I love to add cacao chips, coconut flakes, Golgi berries, or other things that give it some texture as well as added nutrition.
Daily Harvest appeared around the same time I discovered this.
They mail you a freezer box of measured out smoothies in unique flavors like Cacao and Avocado, Cold Brew + Almond, and my personal favorite Chocolate + Blueberry, all packed with nutrition. When you want one, you pull it out the freezer, put it in your blender with some liquid, and enjoy. If you are on the go, you can even put it back into the cup it came in, as there is a straw hole.
If you are busy and hate to food prep, or get stuck in a smoothie rut. This really is genius.
And even better, they have now come out with soups too! I have not yet tried those, but with flavors like Mushroom + Miso and Carrot + Coconut I can’t wait to!
Good for:
Runners who want to eat healthy, but don’t have time (or the motivation) to food prep.
Runners Connect Strength Training Program
You are probably sick of me going on about strength training by now, but seriously, adding strength training was the biggest life changer to my running of everything I have done.
And the more I learn about it (I have an AMAZING podcast coming with a scientist who works under Tim Noakes), the more I realize just how good it is, for ALL of us.
Whether you are a runner or not. Mother or not. Experienced or not.
Strength training will change your life.
Okay, so you don’t all have access to your own Drew, and I am very fortunate to have found someone who knows exactly what they are doing, but this Strength Training Program from Runners Connect is a VERY good second choice, in my opinion.
You can do it from home, and you only have to pay once, and the videos are yours for good.
If you truly want to stay injury free and/or get better, this is the next step, before you run even one more mile.
$79 from RunnersConnect.net
Good for:
Runners who keep getting injured and are fed up.
Thrive Market Membership
I have talked before about Thrive, but every time I make an order I love it even more.
You get access to quality, sustainable, nutritious products for significantly lower prices than anywhere else, and when you sign up, your membership helps to pay for food for a family in need.
So far this year I have saved over $300 from what I would have paid elsewhere, so for me, the $60 annual fee is already WELL paid off.
We mostly buy snacks and bars from them, but also household products without the nasty chemicals and my beloved Coconut Manna….although, guys I have to tell you, I have been cheating on the Nutiva one with this Arisana one. Ohhhh its sooooo gooooood!
Oh, and you get one month free, and 15% off your first order by signing up through my link, so give it a try, and tell me what you choose to buy.
What do you have to lose?
$whatever you decide to purchase + $60 for the year at Thrive Market.
Good for:
Healthy snacks and pantry items where you dont have to worry about what products are good and bad.
Go Raw
You know I have changed my diet this year, and somehow I stumbled upon Go Raw.
Oh yes, that was it, we bought some of their cookies through Thrive Market!
I devoured the entire bag in almost one sitting, and went to the website to see what else I could find.
There were so many good snack choices, it was hard to know where to start.
I was fortunate enough to add them to my army, and have therefore been able to try out all of their products, and I love the amount of foods they have been able to create while only using raw foods. It is amazing.
Some of my favorites include….well, the cookies….no surprise there, although keep in mind they are not going to taste like a fresh-baked chocolate chip, but are really moreish, and I am sure you will love them. Some other favorites include the Superfood Bars made from watermelon seeds and the chocolate covered coconut flakes.
$your choice at GoRaw.com or use your Thrive Market Membership
Good for:
Runners who want to eat snacks containing simple, wholesome ingredients that you can eat without worrying about what you are putting in your body.
Saucony Bullet Shorts/Capris
I actually didn’t plan this, but I did just happen to type this out after the earbuds when I was writing my list, but yes, these work SO well with those earbuds above, and they are how I carry my phone when I do listen to music. It sits in those wonderful little pockets so well, and you would never notice it was there.
Nor would you notice the bottles carrying the Generation UCAN I carried for hours on end as I did my long runs.
These are my favorite shorts/capris ever, and without them, I would have been doing a heck of a lot of loops to get my long run in.
They are comfortable, well thought out, and of course, in cool colors.
And yes, I will be racing in them for CIM in just a few days.
$58 (or $52 with coupon code TINA) from Saucony.com
Good for:
Marathoners who need to practice drinking from (and maybe race with) bottles containing fuel. The pockets are also handy for holding your phone without it bouncing around.
Epic Bars
I LOOVVVEEE this company.
Everything they stand for.
Everything they offer.
Everything I have tried.
Epic makes animal products from sustainable sources, and for those times when we need that protein post workout, but are on the go, these are perfect.
Our favorite is their Salt and Pepper Venison, so that is where I would recommend starting, but look around the website, there is just so much good stuff on there.
$30ish on EpicBar.com You can also purchase them through Thrive Market
Good for:
If you are constantly rushing around, but want to get that complete protein source to go with your carbohydrate refueling, these are perfect to throw in your bag.
Health Warrior Bars
I was only introduced to these bars earlier this year, but I LOVE them. Made of an ancient grain blend and chia seeds, every ingredient in these bars are PACKED with nutrition.
Steve loves the Peanut Butter Cacao Superfood Protein Bars, and I would say that is the best place to start, but I have not found one I haven’t liked. Just the ratio of chia seeds increases….so depends how much you like them
Just make sure you bring some floss with you if you have an important meeting after your snack, as those chia seeds can be sneaky buggers
$20-30 on HealthWarrior.com You can also get it on….you guessed it
Thrive Market
Good for:
If you are not so good at getting your nutritious foods into your body the way you hope, and want to include more foods that give you lots of health benefits without trying to figure out how to add them in, Health Warrior bars are PACKED with nutritious ingredients.
Saucony Life on the Run Clothes

Okay, so Saucony have started making every day clothing.
They are still comfortable like running clothes, but they are designed to just spend your entire day in, and trust me, I do just that.
I freakin LOVE these clothes, especially the sweatpants and hoodie!
At first I wondered what the heck they were thinking, but then I tried it on, and I fell in love.
Many of you have asked about it, so here it is
$50-$120 on Saucony.com
Good for:
Comfortable clothes for everyday use…..basically my entire life! If you love active wear, this is for you!
Trader Joes Dark Chocolate
Last year I mentioned Peanut Butter Crack….I mean Peanut Butter M&Ms, and although these are still probably my favorite candy, I thought I would do something different that I have enjoyed every day during marathon training.
These Dark Chocolate Bars from Trader Joes are dark chocolate, so you can rest assured you are getting the nutritional component, but it tastes so good!
Steve took a little while to warm up to it, but now he loves it just as much as me.
Besides, look at this GIANT bar!
If that isn’t a perfect gift for a girl, I don’t know what is!
$4.99 I think…although their website doesn’t have the information!
Good for:
Satisfying sweet cravings while getting a boost of antioxidants.
Prescript Assist Probiotic
After my Inside Tracker results kept showing high liver enzymes, I decided to take action. Taking a daily probiotic was the best way to start, and I am a BIG fan of Prescript Assist as a probiotic you can trust.
I have had significantly less stomach issues since I started taking these, and I feel confident that they are helping my long term health, while
Oh, and if you somehow forget it for a few days, it lasts two years, so you don’t have to worry about it going out of date 3 weeks after you buy it
$50 for 2 months of capsules
Good for:
Runners who have an upset stomach often either during or after runs, or if your blood work shows high liver stress.
This year when the two attacks happened to runners, I decided it was a good time to interview someone on the podcast about runner safety. When I talked to Todd Williams about runner safety, he made me realize just how naive I had been.
This is one of the products he recommended for runners, and I mostly run in the middle of the dy, sometimes we all have to run when it is dark, or in areas we do not know. GoGuarded helps to keep you safe, and I recommend one of these for the runner in your life.
$15.99 on amazon
Good for:
Female runners who spend a lot of time running in the dark or in areas that are less densely populated.
Compete Journal/Logbook
I was lucky enough to be sent this in September, which has given me lots of time to start using it and read through all the motivation and support they give you.
There is something about writing your training down with pen and paper that is so satisfying, and these two books are great for runners of every level.
If you have some big goals you want to accomplish, and need motivation, the Compete Journal is just what you are looking for.
If you are looking for something simple to document your training (or if you have previously owned a Believe Journal), the Believe logbook is sleek and effective and comes in a 6 month block, just what we need for a training segment!
$21.95 (currently on sale for $14.55) for Compete Training Journal and $17.96 (currently on sale for $12.16 for Believe Logbook
Good for:
Runners who love to use their training to build confidence of how far you have come, either before a race or just during hard times. They are great for looking back on your journey.
Finally, although I did not recommend them, my other sponsors would also make wonderful Christmas gifts for the runner in your life, but I wanted to give you some other choices today, as I talk about these products often.
So here is a quick rundown in case you need it:
Delivery individual packets of sustainably raised frozen fish, to thaw and enjoy at your leisure. We all know just how good fish is for us, well prove it! You can trust in this fish We love the Wild Blend.
EnduroPacks Liquid Electrolytes (use coupon code TINAMUIR for 15% off your first order)
I will be using this during my marathon. It is easy to carry in your pocket in a race, in your bag to spray in any drink, or after any workout. No more electrolyte loss cramps. WIN!
BodyHealth Perfect Amino tablets (use coupon code TINA10 for 10% off)
This has been a real game changer for me. Your body can utilize 99% of the protein in this (compared with 14-16% in soy and whey) to truly assist in recovery. If you were planning on purchasing protein for a loved one, purchase this instead.
Obviously this only works if you are in the area surrounding Kentucky, but there is a lot of buzz around Kombucha lately, and rightly so. I LOVE these, and drink them almost every day after a run, especially if my stomach is upset, it helps to settle it.
Nuttzo (use code muir-20 for 20% off)
Who doesn’t love nut butter? Okay, people with nut allergies, but if you don’t love it just cause….I am not sure we can be friends anymore. I go through an insane amount of Nuttzo Power Fuel, and I am not embarrassed to admit it.
Inside Tracker (use coupon code TINA for 10% off)
If you (or your loved one) have been feeling crappy lately, and have no idea why, this will show you. Inside Tracker will assess your bloodwork, show you which of your levels are optimized, and give you recommendations of how to get the at risk markers back up to the level that will help you.
Generation UCAN (use coupon code ucanelitetm for 10% off)
The Blueberry Pomegranate Superstarch is going to fuel me through 26.2 miles this weekend, but I love it for other things to. I have it daily for recovery (especially in my recovery bowl), and love their bars too!
PHEW! And that, my friends, should keep you going till Monday, where you might….or might not hear from me.
Thank you for all your love and support, it truly means so much!
Now go get your Christmas shopping out the way
What is on your wishlist?
I fully encourage all things Saucony and especially the Bullet short/capri/tight. If it’s Bullet, it’s good stuff! And I’m so mad about the plaid Life on the Run capris. My fav! I would love an Elliptigo but I can’t see riding it around here. If we had a bike path that went for miles and miles then maybe.
WOW!!! There is seriously way too much greatness here. I already signed-up for the smoothie delivery (I used your code so thanks!) and I now know I need to have the Run Fast, Eat Slow cookbook in my life as well. My other favorites include EPIC bars, StrideBox and I want an ElliptiGo SO badly but probably won’t make that happen this year
GOOD LUCK this weekend – not that you need it. The hay is in the barn now you must BELIEVE you can do it and then just freakin’ GO FOR IT! I will be cheering you every step of the way!!!! xoxoxo
I’m looking forward to the release of the Freedom ISO. I’m hoping it’s more similar to the original Zealot than the Zealot 2. Good luck this weekend. I can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Love those saucony flats. Soooo pretty (if only they would fit my feet). I want to try some of the bullets shorts and capris! And I need to get me some Sizzlefish again–I loved that when we had it! Good luck this weekend!
Great list and I love your commentary on all the items! It’s great that you’ve tested them all out. I actually purchased Run Fast, Eat Slow for a runner friend–she’s hosting a group of running bloggers this weekend for a Florida half and I needed a hostess gift. So I’ll see how she likes it! Have a great race and enjoy Cali!
Hello thanks for sharing this info and exposing me to brands and products I otherwise probably wouldn’t have known about. Regarding the GoGuarded…do you really feel it’s practical? I understand the intent but after reading reviews of the product it seems the design actually severely limits its effectiveness. Do you really find the product would be effective during a normal instinctive punch or is it more of a “something is better than nothing” in case of an attack? Thanks for the feedback! Best of luck with your race!!
Go Guarded was designed to be used in a clawing/slashing fashion, not for punching. You will naturally use your hands to fend off an attacker, and Go Guarded will definitely give you an advantage.
I think for me, it was a something is better than nothing thing. I hope I never have to use it, but yeah I agree with Jodi that in that situation, you would just be clawing and trying to scratch…in not a puncher hahah
So many great gifts here! The Bullet short/capri/tight is on my Christmas list. I want to try those Freedom shoes as well!
Good luck this weekend and safe travels to Sacramento!
Amazing list of goodies Tina! I may have to try those delicious looking EPIC bars!
Hi Tina, I don’t think I have ever commented before but as a recreational runner I definitely follow your blog. I was happy when a few months ago you announced your next big marathon was going to be CIM because thats my hometown. Well my family moved a few months ago and our house is right off the CIM route, only one house away, in b/w miles 17 and 18. I know how important random bystanders cheering you on can be in any race so my daughter, husband and I plan to be out there on Sunday morning. I hope to recognize you and will be sure to send you positive vibes and give you the biggest cheer!
Awww thanks so much Rosie
will be something to look forward to
I will try to wave 
I ordered my elliptigo8C yesterday and I am so excited for its arrival! I’m off to order some bullet shorts and to see if Saucony has any Zealot 1’s left… I loved the Zealot 1’s and heard they changed quite a bit with the 2’s. I’m going to wait until the Freedom’s come into a store so I can try them out first. Well wishes this weekend!
Ohhhh cooooollll Amanda! Was I how you heard about them by chance? You can say no, but if I was, they might give me a little gift
Thanks for the suggestion of the GoGuard. I am always concerned about my safety even though I only run in the day. Unfortunately, we can never be too careful on the run.
Ah, thanks for the reminder of the Go Guard! I meant to buy it after I listened to that podcast and spaced it! Great list girl!
Great gift ideas! I absolutely love my SizzleFish, Stride Box and Daily Harvest subscriptions! The healthy gifts that keep on giving!