Over the past few months, I have been thinking a lot about where I want to take this blog. It has continued to develop over the last year, and I have come to a conclusion. It is time to move away from sweet recipes. As I have mentioned before, I believe in balance, so I will continue to make them. However, I think it is best if I channel down the sharing, and focus on the healthy meals. A sad, sad day, but I will always be running from my insatiable sweet tooth! I hope you will support me in my decision, and I look forward to developing my cooking skills.
Around this time of year, there is an abundance of zucchini, and although I have seen plenty of zucchini boat recipes, I have not yet seen one with many of the other veggies that are also in season. I am currently reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle, and it is making me want to try to stick to fruits and vegetables that are in season, and as much as possible, purchase them locally. I also wanted to make something healthy to cook on the grill to go along with the excessive meat we usually consume in the summer!
Thinking about baked potato skins in restaurants, I thought I would make a healthier version and see how it ended up. I have to say, I was very impressed (as were my guests). They cooked well on the grill, and paired perfectly with grilled chicken. Simple. Easy. Fast.
And there you have it, a beautiful, healthy side dish to go with your meat!