I am hoping by now most of the nasty weather that hit the US last week has left, and you are getting back to normal, but today I would like to share what life is like for me while I am here in Tallahassee warm weather training. If you missed last week, I talked about why I am here.
As we all know, days differ depending on the day, but I thought I would use a Monday as my typical day as….well, it is a pretty typical day. I have been sleeping better while down here, sometimes sleeping till 7:30am, which for me was a major accomplishment, especially when it means I get over 9 hours sleep.
There is something about being here that is calming. I think a big part of it is Sarah and I being so comfortable, and she just naturally encourages me to slow my brain down a little, but the other part is just because there is less for me to “worry about” here. I can just relax without feeling guilty, and start to shut down around 7:30 which helps me stay calm.
So here is a typical day in the life of, and What I Ate Wednesday during this warm weather training camp with Zap Fitness!
6-7am: Wake up, move to the living area of our room, do my peroneal and breathing exercises as my chai tea brews. Head to the hotel breakfast. Eat oatmeal with chocolate chips and coconut. Bring the food back to the room and wait for Sarah to wake up (if she is not already, she is becoming an early bird too!)
6:30am: Check my blog looks okay, and then start replying to emails
7:35am: Sarah wakes up, either have a dance party or just chat about our dreams, continue with emails
8:15am: Leave for “practice” with the zap team, run from Micousoukee
10am: Arrive back in the hotel, my current favorite post run meal is fruit (strawberries, grapes, melon, and some apple slices) with Greek Yogurt and Granola sprinkled on top
11am: Shower and work for Runners Connect (this weeks new post is about treadmill running and beating boredom)
1pm: Lunch while still working- some assortment of leftovers (leftover Pad Thai, handful of nuts, minimalist baker 5 ingredient bar, and a few squares of dark chocolate) By the way, the rest of that is not featured….I am sure most people are not interested in every morsel that I eat!
4pm: Gold’s Gym for lifting. I have been using Drew’s workouts, and thankfully Golds Gym are allowing me to use their “Pro” area, which has just what I need for my workout- lots of functional fitness equipment
5pm: Return home, start to cook dinner with Sarah. We usually eat with (Andrew) Colley and George. This day I made a loaded salad with sweet potato, salmon, feta, and all kinds of other nuts, seeds, and vegetables. We had multiple servings and enjoyed it with Pumpernickel bread…..and of course dessert Sarah and I enjoyed our salted caramel chocolate cake- YUM!
6:30pm: Finish last few things for work for the day and talk to Steve
7:30pm: Coloring with Sarah, this is where we usually get into deep conversations
9:00pm: Get into bed (Sarah and I share a bed), Sarah knits while I relax, we talk a little more, and fall asleep
There you have it. Nothing too exciting, this is pretty much the life of an elite. Most days I have two workouts of some kind. I am a big fan of cross training as you know, so with the strength and extra cardio, four out of the seven days a week are two a day workouts.
Do you ever do two workouts a day, what does it involve?
[bctt tweet=”Check out this day in the life of an elite during warm weather training”]
Thanks for sharing Tina. As per your question I often do 2 a days, and have a focus of either strength with easy running or walking; or focus of running hills or speed/tempo and stretching.
Sounds like a dream come true!! I love that you are able to do this for yourself and can focus on your training in a place that is so nurturing to the elite. You seem to be exactly where you need to!
PS – My go to post workout snack is the same these days!!! YUM!
That sounds like a pretty great day to me! I used to occasionally do two workouts a day but as my work days have gotten longer I find it challenging to get a second one in later in the day. If I do, its a short yoga or strength training session. Instead I just try to get up earlier in the mornings so I can fit that stuff in before work, even if it means cutting back on running.
OK, why do I read this and think that looks super super really really very relaxing. Hard—-but connecting <3
What a dream, living and training with a great friend. Thanks for sharing a peek into your daily life!
This sounds like a lot of fun and obviously pretty beneficial for your training. I’m glad you are able to focus on yourself and your training.
That sounds incredible to be able to focus on training and spend time with a great friend. Thanks for sharing!
Really interesting – and the weather looks so good!
I tend to do strength training in the morning and then running in the evening, but it depends on the day really. What strength training do you do? I’d love to hear more about that side of things if you ever get a chance!
Its on the link where I wrote “drews strength training”
click the link 
I am so excited that you are able to get extra sleep! After jumping off the prioritizing sleep bandwagon, I am back on it and it makes such a difference. As a knitter, I can tell you it is fun and kudos to Sarah for doing it before sleep! It surely is relaxing. Thanks for sharing snippets of a day with us!
This sounds like such an amazing getaway, with just you and your training to worry about. Awesome! And I love that you said you and Sarah either have a dance party or chat about your dreams… just a normal morning routine.
That sounds like so much fun! I used to live in Tally-ho. Go to Momo’s Pizza and get a slice bigger than your head.
I also enjoy fruit, yogurt, and granola after workouts
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for sharing! Enjoyed reading this and your salad looks yum
This sounds like heaven. What a wonderful place to be for your training and with such a great friend!!!
Enjoy every minute and thanks so much for sharing
I frequently do 2-a-days, mostly to fit in strength training. I like to strength train twice a week, and I like a day off, so I do 2 2-a-days with a run + strength to do that. It looks like you had a great day of training and I love that you got to spend time with the other athletes!