Bailey’s Newborn Photoshoot with Courtnie Coulson

Even if you aren’t a kid person, newborn baby photos have the power to make anyone melt.

They are our favorite photos to see, and when it is your baby, and your bias is in full force, you literally couldn’t imagine a better photo.

Especially when your photographer is amazing, and Courtnie Coulson Photography is definitely that.

I loved Courtnie’s work for our maternity shoot, and we printed a few out to place around our house, one in Bailey’s room, so even when we are out of the room, we are still there with her, reminding her that we are a family.

I was even more excited for this shoot, knowing just how adorable newborn shoots were, but I have to admit, I was very nervous. Bailey does not do particularly well when she is being changed. It is the one thing she hates the most; being naked in the cold air, how was she going to handle being naked when we wanted her to look cute, not be screaming?

Well, Courtnie had a trick up her sleeve; a space heater!

We tried desparately to get Bailey to fall asleep in the hour before Courtnie arrived. Giving her a bath, so she was nice and clean, and enough buffer time to calm her down, feed her, and get her rested. All the things we needed to have a happy, sleepy baby.

Except as we are learning with kids, you aren’t in control, they are, and she was wide awake when Courtnie arrived.

Until Courtnie directed her heater towards Bailey, as soon as she put her on the blanket, she was OUT, and happy to be.

Bailey was so good in all the photos, posing as we needed her to…while being sound asleep, and the only photos she was not happy about, were the ones we took her away from her space heater and into the cold kitchen, for a pose I wanted. I had seen it before, and thought it looked adorable.

She wasn’t having it though, fussing immediately, and then pooping on Steve’s arm within seconds!

I can’t stop looking at the photos, and we have signed up for 6 and 12 month shoots with Courtnie, which will be wonderful to cherish for life. However, I have only shared a snippet of the photos here today on this post. As Bailey is naked in many of them, I want to preserve her privacy and not share the more revealing ones with the world. If you want to see my favorite two photos, which are not included in this blog post today, you can head to my Instagram and my Facebook where I cropped them a little.

Here are a selection of my favorites from the rest 🙂




And of course, you wanted to see the poop one, right?

Well, fortunately (or unfortunately for the comedic value), that moment was not caught on camera, but we do have the photos of her rather uncomfortable face during the attempt for these photos. BUT, she is naked, and again, I want to give her some privacy, so I hope you understand why I am not sharing this one.

I know you couldn’t possibly love these photos as much as I do, but hope you enjoyed 🙂 Check out Courtnie Coulson Photography for more adorable pics!



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  • Oh my gosh, I’ve never seen a newborn looks so good and so perfect and so cute! Her photography absolutely does her justice 🙂

  • Such an adorable looking little girl. Enjoy each moment as time slips away even faster now that she is here.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • Long time reader and listener here. Thanks for all your great work! Your daughter is jusst the cutest, so happy for Steve and yourself!

  • Beautiful! The joy on your face in these photos is indescribable. ? Newborn photos are just the sweetest! Ruby’s are on my Facebook if you want to see. 🙂

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