25 Helpful Running Articles You Need To Read

Many of you are brand new friends. We have not had the years to get to know one another…or you have not learned my rambl-y style of writing yet, I thought I would bring a summary post together for running articles you may have missed if you are a new reader.

If you are new to the running world, or newly addicted, there is SO MUCH OUT THERE in terms of running articles and running tips that you could use to improve your running.

It’s overwhelming.

I feel that way, and I am an experienced runner.

Therefore, I thought it would be helpful to leave you with the 25 posts I think will best serve you on your journey as a runner. You can keep them as a resource, or if you have no interest in running related topics, I will not be offended if you skip on with your day 🙂

Don’t let weather stop you running

Winter Running Gear- What to Wear at Every Temperature

Secrets of Success- 10 Tips for Running in the Snow

Summer Running- What to Wear at Every Temperature

Train smarter, not harder

Secrets to Success: Dynamic warm up

Get to Know The Effort Scale for Running Success

STOP Looking at Your GPS Watch to Run Faster (& enjoy it more too!)

5 Reasons Why Running Easy is So Hard

Doubt Yourself Before a Race? Read This

7 Ways to Make Sure You Do Not Slow Down in a Race

5 Tips to Get Over Sickness Before Race Day

5 Reasons Why You (Yes, You!) NEED 1-2 Weeks off Running After a Marathon

How to Get Over the Fear of Losing Your Fitness

Why Hills are the Best Workout to Return to Running

12 Ways to Deal With Injury Depression

What a 90 mile Week of Marathon Training Looks Like

What does a runner look like? The “Runners Body”

Being an Athlete vs. Being a Skinny Girl Who Runs

Gained Weight? Me too! Why it is Okay to Indulge

Why We ALL Need to Throw Away the Scale NOW!

Why it is Good to Indulge (& Gain Weight) After a Marathon

Nutrition and marathon fueling

How to Prepare for a Marathon: Marathon Fueling Strategy

More Fat & Protein, Less Carbs Helped Me Run a 2:37 Marathon!

The Not-So-Secret Post Workout Refuel: Breakfast Recovery Bowl

Just a few “life in balance” ones

7 Reasons to Make Time for Running (or Exercise) During Stressful Times

Time to Say Goodbye: When You Have Grown Apart From What You Love the Most

Are You Obsessed With Your Goals? That is Why You Never Reach it

Which of these posts was most helpful to you?

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If this is resonating with you, we probably have a LOT in common, I would love to connect with you more

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    • Michele Rosen
      March 13, 2015 5:32 am

      Thanks for such a big collection of articles 🙂 will definitely check some out this weekend.

    • So I immediately just read the first one about training and gaining because UGH!!!! It happens and it’s so frustrating. I could literally just go down the line and read almost all of these. THANK YOU for this resource and I’m so glad you are enjoying your company and fiancé and NOT writing so much. Life is worth it:-) Happy Friday!

    • Bookmarking this page! 90% of these articles are things I’m dealing with right now. This is such a great resource, thank you!!!

    • Lisa@runningoutofwine
      March 13, 2015 7:27 am

      Thanks for sharing! I will definitively be checking these out. Have a great weekend!

    • Great list! I’m always interested in injury prevention tips and strength training as it’s something so pertinent to my running!

    • Please, no reason to be sorry! Enjoy your LIFE every now and then!

    • Well now you just gave me a bunch of posts to read 😉

    • you know i love ALL these! especially the hill ones. SO IMPORTANT, although i am weird and secretly love hill work

    • I’ve bookmarked a few of those thanks for sharing. The foam rolling mistakes was a good one and how depressing about losing your running fitness ugh. So excited to see you today!

    • I am bookmarking this for future use! Spending time with family and friends is much more important than preparing blogs for us to read. Have a great weekend! 🙂

    • Julie Wunder
      March 13, 2015 9:03 am

      I read the hill article. Great stuff! I certainly need it here in the mountains!

    • I think you know how I feel about RC articles. ; )

      Great roundup that I’m sure lots of runners will turn to for help.

    • Runner’s Connect is my source for all running related articles… and YOU! I have learned so much in the small time I have switched my training program. I also love that they offer so much info for free. That shows me that they truly love our sport. Have a great weekend. xo

    • A cultivated collection of running articles is actually exactly what I needed today! I’m trying to get pysched up for my first 5k next weekend 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

    • Glad you are getting a break to relax with your fiance! Thanks for the great collection of articles, I’m excited to read them. Hope you have a great weekend!

    • Alisa Fleming
      March 13, 2015 12:51 pm

      Wow, this is enough to keep me busy for a while! Just started running again on the treadmill after 6 months of an old knee injury flare that wouldn’t heal again!

    • I love this! I’m checking out the one on how ready you’ll be for Boston… 🙂 Thanks, Tina!

    • Great links!

    • This is awesome! Pinning it for later when I have more questions…Already opened up 2 of them to read later tonight! Thanks for putting this all together for us and enjoy your weekend! XOXO

    • Great list!! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Heather Balogh
      March 14, 2015 9:44 am

      I’ll poke through these this weekend. Have a great one!

    • Sandra Laflamme
      March 14, 2015 8:56 pm

      I definitely want to learn how to improve my cadence, will be reading that one. Such a great compilation of must read posts. Thanks!

    • Definitely will be checking these out! Congrats on a great race yesterday! Wish I could have met up with you and Deborah!

    • Thank you for these. The internet can be so overwhelming with information…correct and incorrect information! It’s nice to have a list from someone who obviously knows her stuff!


    • How did I ever run in the past without Runner Connect?! These articles are a runner’s dream 🙂
      Thanks Tina!

    • So many great articles here! Thank you Tina for a great list of things to check out!

    • Great idea this. I loved ’12 Ways to Deal With Injury Depression’ as I’ve currently gone through that. Lovely to find your inspiring blog on such a wet, cold Monday morning in the UK!

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