Hallo! Did you miss me last week?
Felt kinda weird not having blog posts, but I am planning something very exciting, and if you emailed me last week, you will know more about what that is. Otherwise, you might have to wait until my blog is completely redesigned and ready for launch.
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I just wanted to share one of those moments that really makes you think, a moment where you realize what really matters, and it also showed me that we are connected in ways we don’t realize.
Last Wednesday, the 2nd February, I was warming up for my first workout back from my foot issue, feeling horrible in every sense of the word; my whole body was sore, tired, and working way harder than it should have been.
As we ran along, I told Steve that I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. This wasn’t the same as the feeling crappy I mentioned above, but I felt like something was wrong, and I couldn’t quite settle the feeling of unease in my heart.
Turns out, my sister was in labor at this exact time (2 weeks early!), and I know it sounds crazy, but deep down, I honestly think somehow I knew.
There I was, feeling sorry for myself, beating myself up mentally and physically with this hard workout, and my sister was doing the most difficult and painful thing of her life; having a baby!
Only 1 million times more important and impactful than my workout!
After my workout I went right to Drews for my strength training workout. On the drive there, I cried on the phone to Steve, telling him that I felt sick and unbearably helpless knowing my sister was going through the pain of labor, and there was nothing I could do.
But just a few minutes later, I got the call that a beautiful baby girl had been brought into the world; Charlotte Frieda Adamson.
This really brought it home for me, just what matters and what doesn’t.
Not only am I so proud of my sister and her husband Josh for bringing this gorgeous girl into the world, but I just realized how silly it is that we put so much pressure on ourselves to perform in a workout, when really, we are CHOOSING to do this, choosing to push our bodies to the limit to accomplish something.
It is just like a mother gets the reward of a beautiful little one for the struggles she goes through in pregnancy, we get to celebrate a job well done after the struggles of training.
Either way, it made me realize that one workout is just a small blip in a lifetime of workouts and runs, so there really is no need to stress out over it, even if it was the worst workout of your life. What really matters to me is this little person, and how excited I am to meet her in a few weeks when I head home to England.
I will share the full story of that workout on Wednesday, to show you just how much I struggled, so for those of you who still think that elite runners don’t struggle, well, here is one who definitely does!!
Cant wait to share my new website with you in just a few weeks!
There is nothing like a new baby (or two!) to put things into perspective!
Congrats to your sister and whole family. Welcome Charlotte!!
So excited for the changes ahead and looking forward to my “future” and fueling with you
Awww! Congrats, auntie!
Awww.. welcome to our world, Charlotte Frieda!
How precious!! A great analogy, Tina! Thanks for sharing
I’m thrilled to continue on this journey with you as the lessons you learn in daily physical training help you to grow mentally, spiritually, & emotionally. It’s in that healthy balance we become the best we can be in all areas of life!! Excited to hear more about your training and all about that sweet little niece once you return from home!! (((HUG)))!
I love the birth analogy… and how exciting to be an aunt!! Thanks as always for keeping it real about your struggles too.