Being an Athlete vs. Being a Skinny Girl Who Runs

I feel some word vomit coming. This is gonna be one of those posts where I can’t stop. Another honesty post, but I have a feeling this one might offend some people. I hope it doesn’t. I hope people see what I am trying to say here, but in the case that you think I…
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Friday Favorites: Amsterdam Special

Thought I wasnt gonna have any inspiration to get another post out this week, but thought I would share a few favorite things from our trip to Amsterdam as I am expecting that I will not get to it after Nashville….will seem so long ago. For those of you who are interested, here were some…
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Amsterdam (European Championships) Here We Come!

Steve and I head to Amsterdam tomorrow, and I am excited to see what the Netherlands has to offer. Well….enjoy the view from my hotel room for most of it as I rest up and prepare for the race a few days later 😉 I will save the exploring for afterwards. On Sunday the 10th of…
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My Running Story: Part 2- The Climb (and Fall)

I have already shared the first part of my running journey with you, and as I am lacking motivation with what to write about, I thought maybe I could share the next installment of my running journey. Last time I began with the very beginning, my first running experiences, but I left off when I…
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Doubt Yourself Before a Race? Read This

Honesty, Training Tips
Most people tend to either love the few days before a race, soaking in all of the excitement, buzz, and anticipation of the race day….or hate it. I am in the hate it category. I find I just want to get to race day, to the moment where I can challenge myself and see what…
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Take Back Your Life: Stop Controlling, Start Enjoying

Then there was a focus on recovery, you HAVE to recover. But when we say these things to ourselves, that we HAVE to recover, we HAVE to sleep, what happens? Well, I don’t know about you, but usually that means my body and mind does the opposite. When I said I NEEEEEDDD to sleep tonight,…
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