What a 90 mile Week of Marathon Training Looks Like

Training Tips
I share a lot with you guys. A heck of a lot more than most elites share about their training. Most runners keep their training close to their chest, only showing the major milestones in their career; good or bad. I like to be honest, and I don’t mind sharing my journey with you. In…
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My Peroneal Struggles: Dry Needling

Training Tips
Now, first let me say that I HATE needles. I know most people say that….or they say “I LOVE it”, but I am so far in the hate camp that when I get my bloodwork done for Inside Tracker a few times a year, I have to lie down, look away, and let a lone…
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Are You Running Too Many Workouts in Marathon Training?

Training Tips
I was surprised that when I put up a picture about my workout on Instagram, I got quite a few questions from other runners about why doing two workouts is a rare occurrence for me. Most weeks during marathon training I only do one workout per week. This surprises a lot of people, but with marathon…
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Why We ALL Need to Throw Away the Scale NOW!

Honesty, Training Tips
It seems almost comical that this is the post I came up with this week. I always used to see posts like this and think PSHHH whatever! Using a scale doesn’t work for you, but it DOES work for me. It keeps me in check, and keeps me on track to reach my racing weight for…
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Did I Go Too Far? Did I Sabotage My Racing This Year?

Training Tips
Last week, I was sent Lauren Fleshman and Rosin McGettigan-Dumas new Believe Journals….well, actually, they are called COMPETE Training Journal and BELIEVE logbook. I had always wanted one of these, and it gave me good reason to sit down and think about what I want out of my running, and how I am going to…
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Why It is Okay if You Do Not Miss Running

Honesty, Training Tips
I will share a bit more about what we will be doing over the next few weeks, but for today, I wanted to talk about something that others may go through that we feel too embarrassed to share about. What if you take your time off running, and you do not really miss it? During my…
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The One Reminder All Runners Need

Training Tips
I have talked many times before about how important I believe it is to run by feel, that you should try to avoid looking at your GPS watch during workouts (and easy runs), and you should try to just listen to what your body is telling you rather than looking for data, which can be…
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