Hi Twitter friends!

Thank you so much for clicking the URL in my Twitter profile, let me share a little background on who I am and what I do.

My name is Tina Muir, a former elite runner who knows all too well that you can’t get to a runner’s high without some lows along the way. The lows are part of our journey, and they make those amazing moments happen.

You can read more about my journey as a professional runner on the About Tina page, but I just wanted to share a few things with you here, so you can decide if you want to join the #running4real community. If you do not feel like this is the place for you, I completely understand. I want you to do what is best for you.

In March 2017, at the peak of my running career, I decided to step away from running to focus on helping other runners achieve their dreams, and believe in who they are, while at the same time, beginning a journey of discovery to see who I really was without that running success to lean on.

Sounds crazy, and it still kind of does to me, but I knew in my heart it was the right time. I had achieved my number one running goal of running for Great Britain and Northern Ireland in a World Championship, and I had PB’s I was really proud of (16:08 5k, 33:24 10k, 1:13 half marathon, and 2:36 marathon).

Through my years of training, I realized the GIANT gap between what social media shows about our lives (especially our running lives!), and how things actually were. I was fed up of seeing other people’s perfect lives destroying confidence and making our own accomplishments seem inferior to others, but I still loved social media and sharing.

There had to be a better way...

So, I created Running for Real.

Running for Real is a community of runners at every level who keep it real. For every runner’s high, there are twice as many lows that nobody ever talks about or posts about—even though we should. This is a space where we get together to explore how we feel, share what we know and get better and stronger for doing it.


Where does this leave you?

I hope you will consider joining our private Facebook group for the Running for Real community (it’s free!)

Oh, and then there is the Running for Real Podcast (I was the former host of 150k download per month Run to the Top Podcast)

Follow Me!


If you follow me I will share lots with you! Firstly, you will get updates about my latest blog posts covering topics the #running4real community has asked me for. You will also get to see behind the scenes stories about what I am up to, who I am talking to, and what made me achieve my goals.

I gave you a little glimpse on here,  but I share much more of my story on my About Page, and also through the life events section of my blog.