Month: February 2016

Letting Go of Control; Trust Your Instincts

You may have noticed I have been very quiet over the last few weeks. Or maybe you haven’t. Either way, it is okay, but lets just say I have been a little off…..with everything in my life. I have not really had any interest in talking to people; my family, friends, even Steve sometimes. I…

Why I Recommend Every Runner Uses Inside Tracker

Inside Tracker gives you a score for each marker that you are tested for (magnesium, vitamin D, cortisol ect). That part is pretty standard for any blood test, obviously dependent on what the physician (or whoever is requesting the result) asks for, but inside tracker takes it one step further. They give you a graph…

Inside Tracker and Thinking About the Future

Everyone knows that most elite runners will do absolutely everything they can to be the absolute best they can be. Often that means finding ways that are not morally or ethically correct to get that advantage. With more and more cases about cheating, our sport is headed in a bad direction, and I am sure we have…